Twerk Race 3D Game Online Play Free

This hipster game might be the only game where you have to choose bad options over good ones to win. Coca-Cola instead of exercise, TV instead of a walk will make your character fill out with abs and butts, but that’s exactly what you need!

Watch your girl get bigger and bigger as she prepares for the one-on-one dance tournament at the end of the podium. As with any app like this, you’ll see healthy and unhealthy foods scattered along the way.

Please remember to choose healthy and unhealthy foods.

Don’t forget to choose sickly foods that shape your legs and make them the ultimate twerking weapon. Avoid anything green, whether it’s a cucumber or an exercise neck. Let it lead you to rest and big calories!

The bigger your character, the greater his potential. Even if your skinny opponent is a skilled dancer, he won’t be able to withstand the slightest blow and will fall to the floor, leaving you as a queen and a glory among the crowd. So if you’re interested in a clear transition, appreciate the big shields of your weight!!!
